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            <h2 class="text-6xl"><span class="font-script">Our Drinks</h2>
            <p class="text-lg">Coffee news from the shop and beyond.</p>
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            <table class="table-auto">
                        <th class="px-4 py-4">Drink Name</th>
                        <th class="px-4 py-4">Description</th>
                        <th class="px-4 py-4">Added to Menu</th>
                        <th class="px-4 py-4">Style</th>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4"><a href="">Perfect Espresso</a></td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Espresso</td>
                    <tr class="bg-gray-100">
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Japanese Iced Coffee</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Pourover</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Americano</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Espresso</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4"><a href="">Perfect Espresso</a></td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Espresso</td>
                    <tr class="bg-gray-100">
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Japanese Iced Coffee</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Pourover</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Americano</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, dolore dignissimos</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">January 2, 2020</td>
                        <td class="border px-4 py-4">Espresso</td>
    <div class="bg-black text-white h-20 py-6 px-8">
        <p>Copyright 2020 Crafty Coffee, Inc. All rights reserved. Enjoy the buzz! (Part of a series of <a href="https://craftquest.io">CraftQuest courses</a>)</p>

{% extends "inc/_layout.twig" %}
{% block main %}
    {% include '@navigation' %}
    {% include '@image-internal-bg-header' with { pageTitle: 'Our Drinks' } %}
    {% include '@breadcrumbs' %}
    <main class="mb-12">
        <div class="flex items-center justify-center mb-10">
            {% include "@article-lede" %}
        <div class="flex items-center justify-center">
            {% include "@table" %}
    {% include "@footer" %}
{% endblock %}
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